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Man Utd vs Liverpool: Man Charged Over Tragedy Chanting Incident at Old Trafford

In a significant development following Manchester United's FA Cup quarter-final victory over Liverpool at Old Trafford, police have charged a man in connection with alleged tragedy chanting during the match. Michael Bernard Avery, a 44-year-old from Manchester, has been charged with Section 4a of the Public Order Act 1986 and has been released on bail pending further proceedings.

The charge stems from an incident captured on video showing a man in the home section of the Old Trafford crowd engaging in alleged tragedy chanting. This move follows extensive collaboration between Greater Manchester Police's specialist operational football investigation team, both clubs, and supporters' groups.

While Avery's charge is a notable step in addressing the incident, investigations into other reports of tragedy chanting, including a video from the Liverpool section of the ground, are ongoing.

This development comes amidst broader efforts by law enforcement to address misconduct during football matches. Greater Manchester Police had previously made eight arrests in connection with various incidents during the match, including two individuals linked to tragedy chanting. Additionally, one man was charged with possession of a class B drug, possession of a pyrotechnic, and throwing missiles.

Chief Inspector Jamie Collins, silver commander for the match, emphasized the zero-tolerance stance towards any form of inappropriate behavior, particularly tragedy chanting. He reiterated the importance of public cooperation in reporting incidents and highlighted the ongoing commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful environment at football fixtures.

As Liverpool prepares for another visit to Old Trafford on April 7, police are reminding fans to exhibit exemplary conduct. Collins emphasized that recent charges serve as a clear warning, with law enforcement committed to taking proactive measures against misconduct.

The collaboration between law enforcement agencies, clubs, and supporters' groups underscores the collective effort to uphold standards of respect and sportsmanship within football stadiums. Despite the passage of time, authorities remain steadfast in their commitment to addressing misconduct and ensuring a positive experience for all fans attending matches in Greater Manchester.

With ongoing investigations and increased vigilance from law enforcement, the message is clear: misconduct will not be tolerated, and those found engaging in inappropriate behavior will be held accountable before the courts.

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